Friday, May 29, 2009

Well its day # 3 and somehow I've been convinced to do a blog. We'll see how this goes. 

Getting here was pretty interesting. My old man cab driver wasn't too sure where he was going, but I was much worse once I actually got to GW. The campus is open and I just happen to be in the farthest building away from where I had to get my key and stuff. Actually its the farthest building away from anything. So I traversed the streets around campus with a full backpack, a heavy hanging bag, and an even heavier rolling suitcase. It was a pain, but totally worth all the clothes I brought.
The rooms are alright. I think I've kind of been spoiled by my summers at duke, but this def has it perks. One of them being that its attached to a 7-11. Which means slurpees. (people not from oklahoma probably don't realize that they don't make slurpees in the armpit of america). I have a weird fridge/microwave combo thing that is attached but cant be plugged in at the same time. the cords don't fit. i'm sure i'll have to rearrange, but still seems counterproductive. oh well. i'm over it. One thing I'm not over is the fact that the full length mirror in my closet is missing everything from my shins up. I must remedy that soon.

My second day here I was awoken by an hispanic janitor cleaning the floors and singing obnoxiously loud due to the fact that he was listening to his ipod. Not many people on my floor had checked in at that point, so I don't think he realized I was actually here. When I got up to take a shower though, the serenading quieted. Following my shower, I spent a good 45 min finally learning how to tie a tie. Who knew it would be such a confidence booster? Perspective. 

Later, when my cab dropped me off at the place I'll be working, I was blown away. I knew it was located in old mansions, but its impossible to anticipate how gorgeous they are. Both remind me of those rooms in your house or your grandparents house that has all the most valuable things, none of which you can touch. By force of habit I found myself keeping my hands in my pockets. Despite that, everything was absolutely incredible. There's this awesome tapestry of Alexander the Great and Diogenes thats indescribable. The only other one in the world is hanging in one of the Queen of Scots castle in Edinburgh. or at least thats what my new boss said. He's pretty awesome. His name is Jake and he's from Charleston. There's also this awesome exhibit right now that features contemporary chinese art. It has some awesome stuff. there are these interesting sculptures of ants that are iridescent in the sun. very cool. I don't start work until monday, but my boss recommended a really cool book by Fareed Zakaria called "The Post American World." I've seen him quite a bit on CNN so I can't wait to start reading.

After not seeing anyone on my hall, I finally ran into this cool guy when we both caught eye of a motorcade flying down the street by our dorm. it was my 2nd of the day but I got a much closer look this time. it was pretty sweet. i saw sniper like guys in one car with the window rolled down. INTENSE. The guy is interning for Harry Reid (badass). We ended trekking to CVS (my third trip there since I arrived. I had no idea it was so prevalent.) when we got back we met a dude across the hall from me and went to watch the basketball game at a local pub. there was this obnoxiously loud guy there in, SURPRISINGLY, a texas longhorns hat. i was going to say something but he was already bothering to other people and I didn't think it was worth upsetting a drunk guy about his inferior football team. 

Anyways, this has been a ridiculously long entry, so I'm cutting myself off. Godspeed.